Wednesday, March 01, 2006

new plans

So, it's been a while since I've written anything and a lot has changed. My new plans for my project are to work on the alumni section of the Student Television website. In particular, I'm gonna make sure that forums get put up and I'm going to work on putting together DVDs that we can give to alumni. Lots of alumni ask about getting copies of episodes that they worked on back in the day. If we start getting everything on DVD, then we can just make a copy and send it to them.
The other project I'm also working on is creating a way for people who make movies to get in touch with musicians who'd be willing to lend their music to films or even compose and record music for the project. It's a win-win situation. The filmmakers have original music for their projects so they can send their projects to festivals and whatnot, while musicians can use the project as a way of getting their music out there too.


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