Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm posting this link to a hilarious trailer for The Shining. It's a great example of why I love editing, but also of why people should be aware that movie trailers can be misleading.

On an almost related note, I think that this is largely why the last few M. Night Shyamalan's films were not well received by the public (The Village, and to a lesser extent, Signs). His films have been advertised as though they are the same type of thriller/scary movie that The 6th Sense was, but his more recent movies have been really different from that (while still having similar elements). Since his more recent movies don't fit as neatly into genre categories as The 6th Sense, they're harder to advertize. It's now getting to the point where he is famous enough that his name alone is marketable. His most recent film, Lady in the Water has a very simple trailer, with no words/voiceover and at the end it says the name of the movie and that it was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. I'm pretty happy about this, and so I'll pretty much go see anything he directs, and I'm also tired of seeing trailers for his movies where the trailer makes the movie look much scarier than it really is. But then again, I'm a scary movie wuss, so I get nervous about seeing movies that are supposed to be really scary. And that's my random thought for the day.


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