Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Future

This summer I'm interning at Paramount Pictures in Hollywood - I'll be doing something with DVD mastering or something like that (occasionally looking at how video transfers to different/new DVD formats). Anyway, it should be fun, the guy I'm working under sounds really nice and laid-back on the phone. So needless to say, I'm thoroughly excited.

So, for class, we're supposed to come up with a 5 year plan. I'd like to be doing something with media production - maybe I'll actually get to do some editing for a living by the time 5 years have passed. But I really am not very picky, I'll do pretty much anything that has to do with media production. We'll see how that goes.

All this sounds very vague (because it is), but I came up with an idea for my 20 year plan. Or at least my plan for when I make a couple million dollars. I'm excited about being a millionaire by the way. When that happens, I'm gonna come back to Chapel Hill and re-open the Carolina theatre and show student films there. I'll make some nice donations to UNC's Student Television and Carolina Production Guild, and of course UNC's COMM dept, so that kids will definitely still make movies. But yeah, I'm still working on figuring out the details. I imagine I'll lose at least a million dollars or so on it in the first few years, but hopefully it'll become more successful after that. And if not, I'll have had a blast. I gotta get back to finishing the editing for my live footage from the Rocky Raccoon event. Catch you later.


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