Friday, March 24, 2006

A Huge Week Ahead

So, next week is gonna be crazy.
On Tuesday, there's the class event at the Local 506 - it'll be an artistic entrepreneurship extravaganza - bands of all different genres will play, there will be art displayed, and there's a fashion show too. Anyone reading this should come out and see it - a life changing experience really - and tickets are only $5.00

Then Wednesday, there's Student Television's Premiere Night (6pm-12:30am). STV premieres all new episodes and the cast/crew of each show introduces their episodes live! There's free food for anyone who comes down to the studio (located in the Student Union under the DTH) . You can watch it on channel 4 off-campus and channel 15 on-campus. At 7:30pm Anything Goes will air - that's the show I produce. But all the shows are good so watch as many as you can.

An awesome week, but on the flip-side, I'm not going to get any sleep til next Thursday. Talk about putting the power of caffiene to the ultimate test.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

potentially cool software...

So, a little while ago, my cousin emailed me with a link to this software that helps you organize your script(s). I haven't had much time to look at it, but it seems to help you organize your notes - you could put a note saying that you need to find a certain prop, or perhaps a note about a plot point you need to improve on later. Here's the link:

If anyone has any experience with this software, please let me know what you think. I'm not much of a writer right now, but I'm trying to get more into it. Any information anyone has about this software (or other software you'd recommend), I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

spring break

So, it's spring break. Largely I'm just hanging out with friends and working. But I'm also trying to make DVD's for STV. I'm working on putting together a sampler DVD which would include a short skit or scene from each show. It's taking quite a bit of time - STV has ten airing shows. Plus I'm not that great with DVD Studio Pro yet. But I'm getting the hang of it. I think that's pretty much how it is with cool programs - they're really frustrating at first because there's so much stuff that it offers that it can be challenging to figure out what the basics are. Then once you get the hang of it, you see how much it has to offer and how cool it is. Well, back to work. I hope everyone is having a great spring break.

Friday, March 03, 2006

I'm posting this link to a hilarious trailer for The Shining. It's a great example of why I love editing, but also of why people should be aware that movie trailers can be misleading.

On an almost related note, I think that this is largely why the last few M. Night Shyamalan's films were not well received by the public (The Village, and to a lesser extent, Signs). His films have been advertised as though they are the same type of thriller/scary movie that The 6th Sense was, but his more recent movies have been really different from that (while still having similar elements). Since his more recent movies don't fit as neatly into genre categories as The 6th Sense, they're harder to advertize. It's now getting to the point where he is famous enough that his name alone is marketable. His most recent film, Lady in the Water has a very simple trailer, with no words/voiceover and at the end it says the name of the movie and that it was directed by M. Night Shyamalan. I'm pretty happy about this, and so I'll pretty much go see anything he directs, and I'm also tired of seeing trailers for his movies where the trailer makes the movie look much scarier than it really is. But then again, I'm a scary movie wuss, so I get nervous about seeing movies that are supposed to be really scary. And that's my random thought for the day.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

new plans

So, it's been a while since I've written anything and a lot has changed. My new plans for my project are to work on the alumni section of the Student Television website. In particular, I'm gonna make sure that forums get put up and I'm going to work on putting together DVDs that we can give to alumni. Lots of alumni ask about getting copies of episodes that they worked on back in the day. If we start getting everything on DVD, then we can just make a copy and send it to them.
The other project I'm also working on is creating a way for people who make movies to get in touch with musicians who'd be willing to lend their music to films or even compose and record music for the project. It's a win-win situation. The filmmakers have original music for their projects so they can send their projects to festivals and whatnot, while musicians can use the project as a way of getting their music out there too.